Saul Choza – Saturday 17th Pass (2 workshops)
Infinite Possibilities on the Mat
In this workshop we will review the 34 exercises Joesph Pilates created and teach the logical reason for specific movement instructions. The student will effortlessly flow through the “Return to Life” exercises by queuing the breath.
Using the principles of resistance training (progression, overload, specificity, FITT, reversibility, and variety), students will be introduced to Romana Kryzanowska’s variations of movement. They will then experience a Pilates movement and how classical work has evolved through the decades.
Progressions for Popular Exercises
Pilates naturally facilitates a systematic progression in training. As an instructor, it is crucial to understand how to effectively advance exercises without repeating the same routine.
This workshop uses the “principle of Progression” to develop proper movement. We will break down exercises into their simplest form by exploring training progression on various apparatus to perfect many Pilates exercises. We will discuss moves like the teaser, swan, corkscrew, step-up, balance control, and twist.